
whale model

Simulation of SMOKE

Rendered By MentalRay

Mental Ray seems good at Render Dynamic

With MayaSoftwareRender it was took really long time to render this scene somehow


Oil cascade looked from top view

cascade with whale

Cascade with Whale

Rendered by Maya Software with Ray Trace and Photon

Rendering time approx 1 minute



Render with Maya Software

rendering time : approx 5 minutes



oilwell texturing

Difference of the rendering

The top image was redered by MentalRay with Ray Trace(Final Gather) and Depth Map Shadow and took 1 minute.

The bottom one was rendered by Mental Ray Only with Depth Map Shadow and took 24 second.

It not easy to compare since the bottom one has more contrast and dark.

Final Gather calculate the reflection; therefor the scene tends to brighter.

But compare the whale in these pictures, the final gather makes more realistic relation between floor and whale. 

Whale texture

Experiment of the Texture of the Whale Skin

Made by PhotoShop 

Whale in the studio

Approx. 14000 Polygons were used for whale

Render with MentalRay with Final Gather : 58 seconds 


Oil Well (only modeling data no texture)

Render With MentalRay

Rendering time : 58second

DVD quality 


Rendering Test

Rendering Test
Texturing is almost finished
Render With MentalRay
Rendering Time : 57second


With MentalRay DVD quality
Rendering time : 45seconds

render test

Maya Mental Ray Render Test
Rendering time 14minute


Progress Modeling

Today's update

Lights from the central Column

Second floor's smaller Windows

Joints of the Fences


Basement column

Hanger for the ceiling pipes 

Supports of the Stair

Ornaments on the wall

Fix couple broken parts


Story Board 3


Story board

File PrixLux

File PrixLux



Solar Energy Link 3

tree hugger

Solar Energy Link 2

About Solar Energy in Japan

Summary; The article talk about the government tactics about using solar power.

It almost force people to use solar energy. Otherwise people have to pay twice as much as energy cost to power  plant companies.

It is a good example of using the issues of environment to improve economy along with global warming. 

Solar Energy Link 1


Robert Boyd

Robert Boyed

Doug Aitken

Doug Aiken

Matthew Barney

Matthew Barney

Bill Viola

Bill Viola




Responce to EMPAC


My first impression about the show is chaos. Every element of art including photography, theater, sound, Manga, paformance and fine art are mixed based on the concept of かわいい(kawaii;Cuteness). It was not hard to find influence from the Japanese culture; it was actually, a hybrid of Japanese culture and American pop culture. Since I am interested in Takashi Murakami, during watching the show I was thinking about the relation with Murakami's works.

I think that the concept of kawaii is gradually known in the art word by the effort of Murakami and broadcasts of Japanese animation (Anime). Takashi Murakami conducted a exhibition called "Superflat" and explained his idea of superflat and kawaii. Murakami was dexterously mixed the context of politic of post war and succeed in early 2000. However, he was not admired in Japan at first. After he succeeded in the United States, many people rapidly interested in his work. Most of the people stared to make art works that were influenced by animation and comic book but most of them are lack of concepts or just use the idea of Murakami. From this point of view it seems that the cartoon like pictures in the show are seemed to adopt without intensive critical thinking toward what is Kawaii and how it is different from Kawaii defined by Murakami. It is probably a phenomena that is called Postmodern art which uses something beyond its original context. 


I think the combinations of visual effects of light, performance, voice and projection were very interesting and I learned a lot about the interaction with performer/audience and NewMedia. and  Especially, the integration of the sounds and performer. Movements of mouse and voice are correspond mutually and looked as if the performer melting into the work. Some of the idea of casting image with projector and performer's interaction were similar to the my idea which I wants to do.