The first key of the new media is that 'editing' and 'montage'. Editing breaks the rule of the time in the real word and “ Separate realities from consecutive moments in time”. Editing, which are acquired by superimposition and multiple screen, “ separate realities from contingent part of a single image.”
The second key is that “film can overcome its indexical nature through montage”.
The third key of the New Media is that it “answering the demand of mass society for a “universal equality of things”.
“Synthetic computer-generated imagery is not an inferior representation of our reality, but a realistic representation of a different reality”.
The New Media (filem)consist three different levels. “One level is the story of a cameraman shooting material for the film. The second level consists of shot of the audience watching the finished film in a movie theater. The third level is the film itself, which consists of footage recorded in Moscow, Kiev, and Riga arranged according to the progression of a single day”.
“it is possible to turn “effect” into a meaningful artistic language.” It is acquired by adding motivation of argument.
The film and New Media absorb the aesthetic strategy of the avant-grade by film editing softwares which is very comprehensive and cover many of the technique of the avant-grade such as “cut-and- pasted”.
The New Media has a form of loop. “It is relevant to recall that the loop gave birth not only to the cinema but computer programming”.
“Spatial montage represents an alternative to traditional cinematic temporal montage, replacing its traditional sequential mode with a spatial one.”
“The NewMedia will add multiple windows to its language” which is similar to computer has multiple windows.
NewMedia(cinema) play a role of interface of 3D that is shown with a rectangle frame.
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